It's like "what is a woman" all over again. The Takes In case you missed it, in the week after Christmas Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk both ruined their credibility by publicly insulting the American identity. It's almost as though they synced their watches. Vivek's post essentially tells Americans they need to grind straight out of the womb like East Asians do if they want to compete on the global market. Elon has posted so many things (as he does) that it's pointless for me to like to any...
2 months ago • 2 min read
A Zoomer (2024, colorized) The sins of the father... Zoomers (members of Gen Z, for the unaware) are going through a painful process. One by one, they're realizing that while their fathers and grandfathers were great men on many levels, they failed to preserve the West they inherited. Some may be tempted to point out edge cases, but there's no denying the trend of the last century. Our fathers inherited a truly great civilization that honored Christ, punished evil, cultivated virtue... but...
3 months ago • 2 min read
Nick Fuentes This article is not about Nick Fuentes, exactly. I'm not interested in discussing him at length in the first place, and moreover it would be lazy on my part. I'm interested in what his downfall means. What his downfall means Fuentes has embarrassed himself multiple times by now: The nonsense of the Kanye West campaign, refusing to vote for Trump (because he's too soft on Israel), claiming victory when Trump won, and now finally with these credible allegations of homosexuality. He...
3 months ago • 2 min read
Patriarch Kiril and Pope Francis What is Ecumenism? Ecumenism, movement or tendency toward worldwide Christian unity or cooperation. The term, of recent origin, emphasizes what is viewed as the universality of the Christian faith and unity among churches. Britannica Some of us recoil at the concept of ecumenism, denouncing the teachings of other Christian traditions. These are durable disagreements. I do not suggest that Catholics get lax on the teachings of Rome about Protestantism, or that...
3 months ago • 2 min read
Least masculine Christian man The masculine urge to... Masculinity is wildly misunderstood, most criminally by men. This is by design, of course, because a masculine culture would never tolerate what we have. On many fronts masculinity has been assaulted, but I insist that the greatest of these has been on male-exclusive spaces. Men reserve themselves around women, as well they should. Women shouldn't be exposed to the full breadth of our brash nature. Because of our righteous reservation,...
4 months ago • 2 min read
The unregulated feminine response to perceived threat We love women, don't we boys? The feminine nature is a wonderful thing. Men especially understand this, because woman was made for man. Did you feel that? Most people would feel it, in their throat and maybe their gut, when they read “woman was made for man.” This has become anathema to our social order, because our social order is diseased, and it has been on full display this week. If you were on any social media platform, or know anyone...
4 months ago • 2 min read
Current consensus from T–24 Hours This is not a news publication, or even a political one. It's much broader than that. Nevertheless, the next 24 hours will drastically change our ability to see our mission through, for better or worse. Therefore, on Election Eve, it would be remiss to discuss anything else. Let's be clear about what this election means. It means either our defeat, or more time on the clock. That's it. The margin of victory is already thin, and it will be beyond...
4 months ago • 2 min read
Finally: The Overton Window shifts right Before we jump in, you may notice that today's email looks a little different, and is later than normal. That's because I'm using a new platform for this newsletter, which will enable me to serve you all better in the days to come. You can still reply to any email with your own thoughts, I read every reply. The Overton Window If you're not familiar with the term, the Overton window is "the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream...
4 months ago • 2 min read
Donald Trump is America Beyond a mere man I only recently watched Kingdom of Heaven, which you should see if you haven’t. It takes place during the reign of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, the leper king, one of Christendom’s greatest. Even without seeing it, you’ve certainly seen the memes spawned from it: A single line from the film has stuck with me more than any other: “I am Jerusalem.” This line occurs twice in the film. First, immediately before King Baldwin punishes a wicked man for his...
5 months ago • 2 min read