We love women, don't we boys?The feminine nature is a wonderful thing. Men especially understand this, because woman was made for man. Did you feel that? Most people would feel it, in their throat and maybe their gut, when they read “woman was made for man.” This has become anathema to our social order, because our social order is diseased, and it has been on full display this week. If you were on any social media platform, or know anyone who was, you know that many young women are hysterical about election results. Now it’s no surprise that young women didn’t like the results. They’re a blue-voting demographic, after all. But why were they cast into such a state as this? Shaving their heads, refusing to have sex with men (based?!), and screaming as though they’re possessed… what explains all this? VolatilityFemininity is unstable. It’s graceful, gentle, and utterly lovely, but it’s nevertheless terribly unstable. My married readers know this well. This isn't a bad thing, after all, because such a delicate spirit couldn't be delicate if it had to fend for itself. Such is the purpose of man. This cannot be understood as a critique of women, it is a complement. The attraction that exists between men and women could not exist if we were of the same nature. Indeed, a significant component of male sexuality is the ability to take care of a woman, taking charge of her security and provision. This is the natural order, which brings me back to these young women. They have violated the natural order, are out on their own, and know not the security of a father or husband. It may not be true for every single one of them, but it's obvious enough that young women are more independent and less married than ever before. This is the fruit of those decisions. Rotten fruitUnder a father or husband, a woman doesn't need to create her own security or provision. These women have no other choice but to do it themselves. In so doing, they become masculine, because they're taking on masculine endeavors. This only makes the whole ordeal worse, because they're not any good at being men, but they have to act like men. They don't earn as much at work (as they love to point out), they aren't as secure in themselves as independent men are, and they'll never catch up in either department because these aren't natural to them. They strain against their own nature anyway. The real tragedy is this: As they become more masculine, more of a "girlboss," they further cement their situation. Men aren't looking to get into a relationship for a power struggle, they're looking for peace. For men, that only comes from a feminine woman, which they increasingly are not. They of course notice that their prospects are getting slimmer. Finding a mate is a natural source of anxiety for all young people, especially if they don't have any luck over a long period of time. What checks this anxiety? Not their father, certainly not their husband. Nothing checks it. Other than abortion, this may well be the greatest tragedy of our time. What's to be done?I started with the answer to this problem. The social order we have is diseased. The Christian social order we had before, which these women call oppressive, prevented this kind of thing. Women didn't leave their fathers until they were married, because it was understood that "independent women" don't exist. The "social justice" movements of the last 100 years have undone all that "oppressive" thinking, to the great detriment of young women. We must communicate this better going forward, when we are inevitably called misogynists for insisting on the establishment of Christian principles in society: Christianity elevated women to a level they had never known before it, and they're far worse off without it, by any standard. They will decry this, they will call us names, but we must not waver. They know not what they do, even unto themselves. God be with you, The Constantine Option |
Raising up Christians to be the salt of the earth for their family, church, and nation. Heritage American, husband, discipleship leader.
It's like "what is a woman" all over again. The Takes In case you missed it, in the week after Christmas Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk both ruined their credibility by publicly insulting the American identity. It's almost as though they synced their watches. Vivek's post essentially tells Americans they need to grind straight out of the womb like East Asians do if they want to compete on the global market. Elon has posted so many things (as he does) that it's pointless for me to like to any...
A Zoomer (2024, colorized) The sins of the father... Zoomers (members of Gen Z, for the unaware) are going through a painful process. One by one, they're realizing that while their fathers and grandfathers were great men on many levels, they failed to preserve the West they inherited. Some may be tempted to point out edge cases, but there's no denying the trend of the last century. Our fathers inherited a truly great civilization that honored Christ, punished evil, cultivated virtue... but...
Nick Fuentes This article is not about Nick Fuentes, exactly. I'm not interested in discussing him at length in the first place, and moreover it would be lazy on my part. I'm interested in what his downfall means. What his downfall means Fuentes has embarrassed himself multiple times by now: The nonsense of the Kanye West campaign, refusing to vote for Trump (because he's too soft on Israel), claiming victory when Trump won, and now finally with these credible allegations of homosexuality. He...