On Masculine Nature

The masculine urge to...

Masculinity is wildly misunderstood, most criminally by men. This is by design, of course, because a masculine culture would never tolerate what we have. On many fronts masculinity has been assaulted, but I insist that the greatest of these has been on male-exclusive spaces. Men reserve themselves around women, as well they should. Women shouldn't be exposed to the full breadth of our brash nature. Because of our righteous reservation, however, true fraternity is impossible in the presence of women. It is for exactly this reason that such spaces have been attacked, because the target is masculinity itself.

I say this to establish why men have managed to be deficient in their most defining area. It is because they scarcely if ever spend time with only other men. Prior generations, all of them, spent the majority of their time in fraternity. At work, on the hunt, at war... no matter their occupation they were grounded in fraternal enterprises. These environments have been destroyed, and masculinity along with them. This is a delight to our enemies, who know that masculine men are their only true threat.


Masculinity is most characterized by it's ability to order the world. The most masculine man imaginable would have the whole world formed in his image. He would rule it, and by his rule it would be peaceful, prosperous, and beautiful. This of course will come to pass when Christ returns, who is the ultimate peak of masculinity. Forget not what has to happen first, though. If the Revelation of John is anything, it is terrifying. The terror that will be unleashed on the wicked before the King returns is "unequaled from the beginning of the world until now" (Matthew 24:21). This is the necessary prerequisite for the establishment of order, the destruction of the disordered.

It is this that our enemies fear, and they are right to fear it from men. It is men who crush their enemies... and I do not say "males," but "men." Men are not born, they are made, and they are made by other men "as iron sharpens iron." I love this illustration. How does iron sharpen iron? Iron is formed only by heat that nearly melts it, or striking, or the grinding off of material from it. All means of formation are brutal, so it is with men. This is why women cannot be present, in the same way that a flower cannot be present in a forge. It will be scorched.


Men must rediscover this masculine company that all our forefathers took for granted. Civilization itself takes it for granted, and without it, it is crumbling. As we discussed last week, social institutions themselves are masculine (because they order the world). Do you suppose that these can survive without well-forged men to lead them? They cannot. On this all else depends, that men invest in other men and themselves, in the company of each other alone. It is costly, because it is unpopular. Women especially have come to despise it, but this must be written off. They too suffer, as we indexed in detail last week, for a lack of masculine men.

This is no small part of what I'm building here, with you all. It's my pleasure to do so. If you know anyone who would benefit from such a thing, forward this email to them! We have little time to order ourselves, to prepare for ordering our nation.

Don't forget our space tomorrow night! We'll start at 8:00 PM Central, as usual. Looking forward as always to hearing your thoughts, if you can't make it, you're always welcome to reply to this email. I read every reply.

God bless you,

The Constantine Option

The Constantine Option

Raising up Christians to be the salt of the earth for their family, church, and nation. Heritage American, husband, discipleship leader.

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