The Final Countdown

T–24 Hours

This is not a news publication, or even a political one. It's much broader than that. Nevertheless, the next 24 hours will drastically change our ability to see our mission through, for better or worse. Therefore, on Election Eve, it would be remiss to discuss anything else.

Let's be clear about what this election means. It means either our defeat, or more time on the clock. That's it. The margin of victory is already thin, and it will be beyond closed after four more years of migration. There's a reason it's been the biggest issue of this campaign, and will continue to be after the election. Immigrants vote blue 2 to 1:

This must be undone, and we certainly cannot afford more of the same trend.

In summary, this election is about whether political representation for natural-born Americans (or simply, Americans) will continue to exist, or not. We will see.

Enough Election Talk

Even my closest friends are surprised to hear me say "I don't want to care about politics." I speak often and authoritatively about it, after all. I don't want to have to care about politics, but I do have to. Even still, only 200 words into this post, I'm exhausted of it. It's been a long election season for all of us, so I'm cutting this post short to tell you about what's ahead for you and me.

On Tuesday evening, I'll host a space as normal, but it's starting early (6 PM Central) and running late into the night. It's going to be the best election watch party on X. Here's the link, so you can get notified when it starts. I hope to see you there, stop by when you can.

One last announcement: I've launched my first product (for $0). Some of you have already gotten it, some of you have seen it on X, but some of you haven't heard about it at all. For those of you who haven't, check it out below, and for those who've been through it: Thank you!


5 Lies Neutralizing American Christians

You know the church is not nearly as effective as it could be, and I'll tell you why. There's 5 lies most American... Read more

My final exhortation to you all beforehand is this: Pray that God would have mercy on our nation. Our nation has done more than enough to incur His righteous judgement. Our nation has come to celebrate abominations of all kinds, the likes of which He has wiped out whole nations for in the past. We must repent, on behalf of our whole nation, and beg for God's mercy for the sake of His people.

God bless you, and God bless America,

The Constantine Option

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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The Constantine Option

Raising up Christians to be the salt of the earth for their family, church, and nation. Heritage American, husband, discipleship leader.

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